The Common Misconception ​about​ Healing from Pain that Costs Health​-​Conscious Individuals Time and Money

For years, ​I didn’t know that I had misunderstood my pain, ​and it cost me​… ​ I don’t know how much ​time and ​money ​– ​missed time from work, ​trials with ​different therapies​ that ultimately did not work, co-payments,​ etc ​–​  but definitely lots of time. T​he precious t​ime ​was ​wasted not feeling well and not living my life fully​,​ and authentically.

The Common Misconception

Th​e most common ​misconception is ​that you should ​​tr​eat the symptoms or painful area” rather than looking for the ​root ​cause​ of the pain itself​. And​,​ it’s ironic because most people now know that everything is connected. ​Yet,​ here’s ​what ​happens..​.​ We begin to focus just on the ​site of the symptom.

If you have shoulder pain, you may​ ​​have tried​ stretch​ing​, massage therapy, or acupuncture for the pain around the problem-area. Each of these therapies is a useful modality ​but if ​the treatments are​ leading to temporary results then yo​u should consider alternative approaches.


​”​And​,​ why is ​it”​ –​ you might be asking yourself​ — “that I’m getting temporary results”?

I’d like to explain​ ​Myofascial Release.  

​”​Myo​”​ stands for ​m​uscle and ​f​ascial ​relates to the fascial system. We are going to get a little ​technical here but stay with me because this information isn’t in ​the ​science or medical text​books​.  And​,​ when I share this ​information ​with my clients during their first visit​, t​hey usually say, ​”​wow​,​ that makes ​so much ​sense​”. ​I recall experiencing the same epiphany during my first seminar. ​

So the fascial system is ​just ​another system in your bod​y –​ like the​ circulatory system, the lymph​atic​ system​, the endocrine system​. ​The​ main function​ of the fascial system​ is to absorb shock and to protect us. The system is made up of fascia ​–​ tiny fiber​s​ which are like micro tubes. These fibers sit in a gel​-​like substance in your body. The microtubules carry light information like fiber optics.

The fascia surrounds and supports every other system in your body. It surrounds every muscle, organ, nerve, blood vessel. It surrounds the muscles bundle​ and ​fiber​s​ all the way down to the cellular level. It is also known as connective tissue.

Fascia forms what I call restrictions, this is a hardening of the fluidity in the system. They are formed by repetitive motion, physical and emotional trauma, injuries, and surgeries. These restrictions create crushing pressure on pain sensitive structures​ –​ like nerve endings.

And​,​ because ​f​ascia is ​three- dimensional and runs through your entire body​ –​ it’s everywhere. Restrictions in one area affect other parts of the body​ — l​ike a pull in a sweater.

It’s not uncommon for me to work with a client who​, for example,​ has shoulder pain and once I release the tight fascia somewhere else​ in the body​, the shoulder feels better.

Lik​e​ Rebecca who ha​d​ shoulder and arm pain:

My shoulder and arm were nearly incapacitated when I came into see her. I have not had pain to that degree before, ever. I am a professional pianist, too, which added to my mental distress. She took her time and started very far away from where my pain was centered and by way of slowly easing out other blockages, I was 80% pain free when I left. Today, the next morning, I am 100% pain free! I was SO happy I could play again, FREE of pain.

And​,​ Effie who discovered that her imbalance and dizziness improved after her treatments

​Y​ears ago I was involved in a car accident that caused damage to my right upper thigh.  Because I did not fracture or break any bones, no therapy was ever recommended. However, after many years the muscle and fascial had become very tense and stiff causing pain and discomfort.  The tension and tightness was also causing imbalance and dizziness, which I was not aware of until after the treatments and information received by Jessica. After only a few treatments, the tension was gone, I was feeling balanced again and I wasn’t getting dizzy which I had just assumed was part of getting older.

The reality​ of pain management​ is ​that ​you want to look at your whole body. And after following your treatment plan, you want to feel relief.

If you have a pain area that keeps coming back​,​ even after different therapies​,​ then addressing your fascia ​from a ​”whole body​ approach”​ may​ ​be the missing piece to you​r long-lasting pain relief.

Does the experience I describe sound familiar? Have you tried different therapies that worked with your symptom area?

Leave a comment and let me know!

P.S. ​Want to know more? Sign up for our newsletter here. I’d love to stay connected with you there!

If you feel like you might benefit from a consultation or a personalized myofascial release treatment plan, or if you have had ongoing chronic pain and are struggling to stay active, email us at [email protected] or call us at 978-548-6475

We would love to speak with you, talk with you about what’s going on and share with you exactly how we can help you on your journey to recovery.

Jessica Kaloutas, LMT, is an expert Myofascial Release therapist and teacher for those suffering from chronic pain, acute injury and trauma. It’s her calling to facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal. She’s known for blending the ancient wisdom of Myofascial Release with empathy and compassion to offer powerful, mind/body education and treatment, resulting in personal empowerment, long-lasting pain relief and an amazing, joyful life. North Shore Myofascial Release is here to help you.

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