Congrats! The link to your guide is below.

Are ready to experience long lasting results with a pain relief path that really works?


Jessica Kaloutas, Founder North Shore Myofascial Release

If the answer is Yes then we have another resource for you: A 30 minute private session with pain relief expert and teacher, Jessica Kaloutas.

By emailing me at [email protected] with the subject line: Pain- Free Life

Congrats! You are about to discover the missing link in health care to naturally relieve pain effectively and efficiently.

(These are some of the same techniques that our clients have been using for years to avoid unnecessary surgeries, pain medications and get back to doing the things they love.)

You’ll find the link below this message, but before you go…

Are you ready to resolve your pain and suffering and start living your life again?

If the answer is yes, I’ve got another resource for you: a 30 minute Pain-free and Joyful Life session with me, Jessica Kaloutas, Pain Relief Expert and Wellness Teacher.

  • You’ll get personal help on the missing link to feeling pain-free. It’s not shown on C-Scans or MRI’s, even using the latest technology or test won’t find the real root cause of your symptom or pain.
  • You’ll  create a clear plan of the next steps you need to take to get to the root cause of your pain and begin living pain-free.
  • You’ll walk away with the one step you can take NOW to get started.

Space is limited. I only offer a few of these a month and they always book up quickly. So, if you are serious about relieving pain  naturally and live a active life, book your call now. Email me at [email protected] with the subject line: Pain- Free Life

Download Your Report Here:
 4 Simple Steps to a Pain-Free Life

Inspiring Stories:

“Before starting the MFR sessions, my neck, shoulders and chest were tight. When lifting my chin or turning my head to either side, the movement was restricted and even my skin felt stretched. Emotionally and physically I was feeling very stuck. My energy was almost entirely devoted to taking care of other people ahead of my own needs and consequently, I was feeling run down and unhappy.

I signed up with the intention of doing something for myself. I wanted to feel more at ease physically and also work on improving my self-care. My lifestyle had become very sedentary and it was so hard to muster the motivation to do any kind of activity. I tend to go to extremes; either I’m at the gym 12 hours a week or I’m on the couch 8 hours a day. I was looking to the MFR sessions to help me find balance and a path to wellness that was gentler.

The MFR sessions have helped my amenorrhea caused by PCOS. I could go months and months without a cycle, but after a few MFR sessions, it always starts and I feel so much better. The work has a way of helping my body find its rhythm and balance.

Emotionally, I felt lighter after our series. There was so much emotional baggage that I had been holding onto physically. I feel like I can move forward now unencumbered by these old traumas. It wasn’t always easy to go through the process, but Jessica was a tremendous support. Having a separate time to check in with her between MFR treatments was great because often things came up after I left the office, or even days later, and it was really helpful to have that time to discuss it.

While my physical shifts were huge, I have to say that my mental shifts were even more profound. I would tell anyone who is on the fence about signing up that, “You are worth it.” And that’s not something I could have said to myself, easily or with confidence, before I started. If someone was worried about justifying the time or the cost, I would tell them that they are worth it; that improving your well-being is priceless and this program is a great investment of your time and energy.

For me, this has created a cascade of other positive changes in my life. I’ve been able to build new, healthier habits and shed old patterns of guilt and pain that we holding me back. I was hesitant to sign up initially because I didn’t have a specific injury or ailment I was dealing with, but this isn’t like indulging in a weekly massage. This is much deeper than that and encompasses so much more than other bodywork modalities.

-Kelly F. 

Last resort, should’ve been my first!

For any aches/pains…this should be a first stop! Frozen shoulder, multiple knee injuries, etc. had me feeling defeated, but decided to try MFR as “one more try”, to get rid of pain. After one session with Cindy, I felt significantly better. I found this to be a gentle and relaxing (I fall asleep every time! *lol*) way to go!

– Sheila D.

June 29 Fascia Freedom Retreat | Sign Up before May 21 and Save $50 Sign Up Here!
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