Does TMJ Keep You from Enjoying Life? We Can Help.

Do you grind or clench your teeth? Do you experience a clicking and popping sensation in your jaw? Do you frequently have headaches or jaw pain? 

It’s estimated that over 10 million Americans are affected by Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunctions. TMJ pain keeps people from getting a good night’s sleep and enjoying the foods that they love. It can also cause long-term damage to your teeth. 

At NSMFR, we work with people all the time who are now sleeping better at night, have increased movement in their jaw, and can enjoy more of their usual foods again. So if you have tried everything for your TMJ and nothing has worked YET, don’t give up!

The tension and tightness that we hold — from stress, old unresolved injuries, trauma and surgeries — form negative patterns in our bodies. We are often unaware of how we hold the tightness and trauma in our bodies and how physical and emotional events from our past can manifest with other physical symptoms.

Sometimes my clients are informed of their TMJ condition by obvious physical pains, and sometimes by statements made by dentists or other medical professionals.

I have had many clients tell me that they didn’t know they were grinding their teeth until someone heard them doing it in their sleep. When we are asleep, our bodies try to help us release or self-correct the held stress and tension from the day. During this period of rest and deep relaxation, our bodies are now creating the motion that our bodies were holding back while we were focused on our daily activities.

Certainly, relieving our minds and bodies of external stresses will help normalize their functions. But, there are other things we can do to modify the negative patterns in our bodies. 

Dentists will often recommend that patients wear a mouth guard. While a mouth guard will protect your teeth, it won’t resolve why you are grinding your teeth. They will not stop your unconscious jaw clenching. Mouth guards do wear down and people have been known to grind right through them over time. If this is something you’re experiencing, don’t give up. 

You can manage the symptoms of TMJ by wearing an oral mouth guard or receiving trigger point injections, but that does not resolve your lingering problems. At NSMFR, we are able to see and feel the connections of stress and tightness throughout your body and work to correct the trauma and negative patterns held there. The goals of myofascial release therapy are to take a holistic look at your overall body, identify the negative patterns that it is exhibiting, and provide therapeutic relief and instruction for at-home activities. 

If you have had TMJ for years and have tried everything, know that you CAN sleep better at night and enjoy certain foods again without the fear of being in constant pain. 

We are here to help your whole body feel better. So if you have been frustrated with TMJ symptoms, email us at [email protected] or call us at 978-548-6475 

We would love to speak with you about what’s going on and help you on your path to enjoying your life again — pain-free!

Jessica Kaloutas, LMT, is an expert Myofascial Release therapist and teacher for those suffering from chronic pain, acute injury and trauma. It’s her calling to facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal. She’s known for blending the ancient wisdom of Myofascial Release with empathy and compassion to offer powerful, mind/body education and treatment, resulting in personal empowerment, long-lasting pain relief and an amazing, joyful life. North Shore Myofascial Release is here to help you.


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